Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Cleaning,Clearance and Cake Sales

We are doing all three over the next few months. We are starting with a cake sale,reducing some of our lovely cakes to just £3. Not to be overlooked our craft section-along with some yarns and other goodies-is having a good clear out, and we are firmly in sale mode in the shop.The cleaning bit will take place when we have really cleared some stock out and packed up for a nice little makeover in the shop later in the summer (details to follow). Now, come along to the shop and help us minimize the packing!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The Camel,the Yak and the Boss

All are coming our way soon. Well, to be more specific we are getting some camel and yak yarn ordered for the autumn, and our Boss has returned part-time to work.We are excited about all three things. The Camel in question is the new yarn from Debbie Bliss, 'Fez' and the yak is what is says on the tin,100% yak. The Boss needs no explanation. We will be sending out a newsletter with more specific details of the yarn and other new goodies.

It always feels odd ordering now for the autumn and guessing on yarns,amounts,colours and trends.But we are anyone's for a bit of Noro, who's newest yarn 'Yuzen' will also be winging its way to us,too.Then we have a sprinkling of new shades and new yarns from the usual suspects,plus some other treats.

We are not saying that the Boss is anything like the camel or the yak.